The current trend in bollywood is making movies on historical personalities. Success of such recent movies like Bajirao Mastani, Jodha Akbar shows that people also like these movies. But during the shooting of movie Padmavati starring Deepika Padukone in rajasthan, some members of Rajputana organisation created a ruckus and halted the shooting. They also beat up the director of the movie. Their allegation was that movie makers are not fully showing the truth about Queen Padmavati and that is defaming the Queen's image. The whole of bollywood industry unified against the act and stood behind the cast of movie Padmavati.
Upon analyzing and thinking deeply we may say that there can be some truth in the allegation of Rajputana Organisation.Bollywood industry is one of the biggest in India and huge amount of money is poured into making a single movie. Recovering large amount of money needs the movie to be successfull. There is possibility that filmmakers may remove some facts from original stories and alter them so people like the movie. Afterall movies these days become successfull if its able to entertain people.
Upon analyzing and thinking deeply we may say that there can be some truth in the allegation of Rajputana Organisation.Bollywood industry is one of the biggest in India and huge amount of money is poured into making a single movie. Recovering large amount of money needs the movie to be successfull. There is possibility that filmmakers may remove some facts from original stories and alter them so people like the movie. Afterall movies these days become successfull if its able to entertain people.
Jai Bhawani Jai Shivaji..........
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